
Dave Gregson.

Owner and Guide.

About Us:

Thames Kayaking started after Dave spent three days kayaking down the Thames, he started on the Thame River then followed the Thames into London, getting off at Barnes.

Along the way many people stopped and chatted and the most common question asked was:" Are you allowed to kayak on the Thames and where can we go kayaking". From the river, Dave went to Heathrow and flew to South Africa, when he came back two weeks later the idea was born. 

Dave had used an inflatable kayak on the river as he wanted to carry as little as possible and an inflatable kayak would serve as a place to sleep as well as for kayaking. The other plus was when getting off the river the kayak folded up into a backpack, making for easy carrying. He decided to continue using inflatable kayaks as they are stable and most of the clients are nonswimmers.

Dave has had an interesting life had has many stories to tell as well as being knowledgeable on local history and flora and fauna.